As we see above, we can create folder in SSISDB. Each folder we create, it will automatically create two subfolders called Projects andEnvironments
To create an environment, right click on the Environments subfolder and click on Create Environment menu item as shown below:
I have created two Environments called DEV and QA
Next go to DEV environment and double click on it and go to variable tab, at name column give name as Connection 1, choose type as String and given connection string for SampleDataBase1
Now have created two environments and in each environment I have created one environment variable. In DEV environment, I have given connection string to SampleDataBase1 and In QA environment, I have given connection string to SampleDataBase2.In general we change servers but in our case, I just changed databases in connection string.
Projects: A place holder for deployed projects inside Folder
Environments: A placed holder for environments like DEV and QAI have created two Environments called DEV and QA
Next go to DEV environment and double click on it and go to variable tab, at name column give name as Connection 1, choose type as String and given connection string for SampleDataBase1
Next go to QA environment and double click on it and go to variable tab, at name column give name as Connection 2, choose type as String and given connection string for SampleDataBase2